Biz Dome

Friday, December 30, 2005

Fun for 3 days

Major sickness the other day. Flu and fever. Totally KO. Took Panadol and today feels better. At least no need to lie in the bed.

Went to Palace of Golden Horse for a Success program seminar. Invited by a friend and it is FOC. Oh yeah. The only grouse is it is in mandarin. The speaker is a young man of 36 years old and he is the boss of a MLM company. In this seminar, he spoke on some of the success secrets and his own experiences.

For 3 days, there will be games and learning session. First day, the game played is to exchange money with anyone in the room. No rules. Just change money. I took out RM10 and change money around. At first, I got around RM200 and someone swapped it for RM1 and in the end, I managed to change it back to RM10. The lessons from this game is simple. In order to survive in the society, we have to win. There will be lots of people who will be your competitor and we need to moved forward as fast as possible in order not to lose out.

Have success comes with chaotic pace rather than slow pace.

Second day, the game is played with a team of 17 people and a hula hoop. The rules of the game is to move the hoop around a person to the next person and ends when the hoop passed all the people. However, team member must hold hand and can't let go and no aid of hand to move the hoop.
There is a competition to see which teams can completed in the fastest time. At last, my team can fastest time is only 30s which is way off 22s of the winning team.
At night, we had the game once more but the challenge is to go 22s or lower. We did it after much practise over 2 hours time. The team went crazy later wanting to challenge 21s. We manage to do it after many practises and this time the time is 18.7s. Fantastic.

Success is possible if there is practice.

There is no games on the last day but some very good advice. Goes like this. For every dollar you spent, you must earn hundred. The reason is that if you earn 10 cents, you will not achieve sucess unless you can do it in large quantities.
This is the difference between someone who works hard but found success and someone who works hard but didn't found success.


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