Back for training
These few days had me going back to my old training centre for revision. I am retaking the Network Infrastructure course. The last time I took it was middle of last year and of course, forgot everything by now since I did not apply what was taught.
At least now, I can do the subnetting and all those binary to decimal conversion and vice versa. Bloody difficult as you need to memorise it for mcse exams. The most difficult paper to pass. Studied testking paper also won't help since network had got nothing to do with selling Microsoft's products. Others like AD, Windows2003, XP, SQL 2000 will surely pass if studied testking alone.
On last weekend, I met my brother who came to KL with his church. Yeah, get a handphone from him since he upgraded to a new one and does not want his old one. So, I just take it and my 3310 can be retired.
At least now, I can do the subnetting and all those binary to decimal conversion and vice versa. Bloody difficult as you need to memorise it for mcse exams. The most difficult paper to pass. Studied testking paper also won't help since network had got nothing to do with selling Microsoft's products. Others like AD, Windows2003, XP, SQL 2000 will surely pass if studied testking alone.
On last weekend, I met my brother who came to KL with his church. Yeah, get a handphone from him since he upgraded to a new one and does not want his old one. So, I just take it and my 3310 can be retired.